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Call For Papers

Initial Paper Submission Guidelines

  1. Paper submission process will be managed by using the ihsanyassin system. All submission must be done through this system and email submission is not accepted.

  2. Submit your full paper here.

  3. The decision on your paper will be informed via email.

  4. The manuscript should be prepared according to this IEEE A4 template

  5. The manuscript should be 4 to 6 pages long.

  6. For registration of up to 5 papers with a single email, please contact ISWTA secretary.

  7. Please use your institution's Turnitin account to check your paper's similarity. It should be less than 25% before submission. We use IEEE CrossCheck that is very stringent in terms of similarity check. The similarity score of IEEE CrossCheck is usually more than Turnitin.

  8. Your submission will be double-blind reviewed by at least two independent reviewers.

Camera-ready Submission Guideline​​

  1. You will receive an email notification at the email address you have registered upon the acceptance of your paper.

  2. Once the necessary corrections, if any, have been addressed, you may proceed with the submission of your paper for camera-ready format.

  3. Submit your camera-ready paper here.

  4. For online presentation, the presentation must be pre-recorded and uploaded to YouTube.

  5. It is important to note that the hyperlink provided in Step 3 serves the dual purpose of conference registration as well.

Presentation Guidelines

  1. The allotted time for each presentation is 15 minutes, comprising of 10 minutes for the presentation itself and 5 minutes for questions and answers from the audience. Considering that the lecture sessions encompass multiple presentations, it is imperative to adhere to the prescribed 15-minute time slot.

  2. In every session room, participants will have access to a LCD projector and computer equipped with Windows operating system, MS Powerpoint, and Adobe Acrobat Reader.

  3. ISWTA do use any standard template for presentation.

ISWTA Paper Award & Best Paper Awards Competition

​The purpose of the ISWTA Paper Award and Best Paper Awards competition in ISWTA 2024 is to recognize and honour exceptional research papers presented at the conference. The selection of the best papers is based on the below criteria:


  1. The research contribution should showcase both originality and significance.

  2. To be eligible, the paper must be submitted by a non-student and physically presented at the conference.

  3. The manuscript should be clear and polished, with a maximum of 6 pages.

  4. The paper award evaluation process is determined based on the scores received during the double-blind review of the initial submission.

Reviewers Guide

As a reviewer for ISWTA 2024, your contributions through reviews and active involvement in discussions play a pivotal role in enhancing the conference's overall quality. To understand the expectations from the reviewer's role, consider what you, as a paper's author, would expect from a fellow colleague - a comprehensive, high-quality review, a decision based on review consensus, and constructive feedback. These are precisely the expectations from reviewers.


A letter of appreciation will be issued once the paper review is completed.


Click here to register for review assignments:


Click here to download the review appreciation letter:

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